Zaccho Dance Theatre

place San Francisco, California, USA


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Zaccho Dance Theatre creates and presents performance work that investigates dance as it relates to place.

What We Do

Since our founding in 1980, Zaccho has been an innovative force in both the world of dance and our home community of Bayview Hunter's Point, San Francisco's African American Arts & Cultural District. Artistic Director Joanna Haigood and collaborators pursue unique and challenging visions of dance, including spectacular aerial choreography, evocative site-specific performances, and culturally significant subject matter. Zaccho opens the door to creative expression for a diverse group of artists, and elevates it to works of international acclaim.

Zaccho draws inspiration from social histories including the African-American experience, and returns it to the community through inclusive youth programs, adult classes, artist-in-residence programs, and a one-of-a-kind aerial arts festival, many at low or no-cost to participants. As a longstanding nonprofit program, we pride ourselves on maintaining our artistic integrity, social consciousness, and community involvement.


Lisa B
Lisa B.
Managing Director
Charlie F.
Florence D.
Artist in Residence Program Manager